The more beautiful things you choose to see and do, the more beautiful you become. Make everything in your life beautiful and it will be reflected back. Physical beauty is a matter of opinion all over the world, and over the centuries ideals have changed, therefore outer beauty isn’t reality or the true definition of beauty once we open our eyes.
People need to look in the mirror regardless of the negative beliefs they have learnt for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter. I challenge people to look in the mirror and say I am beautiful, I love myself exactly as I am. Do this every day and notice how quickly your confidence and life will change.
Regarding my opinion of make-up, I use it as a tool for confidence, not to hide authenticity but to bring out the beauty that's already there. I came across this ted talk by Eva DeVirgilis I can really relate to it both in my makeup and photography.
I have noticed too many people apologizing for their appearance, ashamed of their appearance rather than embracing their true beauty and uniqueness. The word shame vibrates at one of the most lowest frequencies. It's truly bad for us, even worse than the majority are aware. The world is abundant and everything serves a purpose and is unique, we are not supposed to look like anyone but ourselves. Stop competing and comparing, appreciate the beauty in others and yourself. Don't assume any limiting or negative beliefs are the truth.
If no one told you yet today, I think you're beautiful!